Contributor programme

Become a local guide for a global audience

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Retail Safari taking place at Coal Drops Yard in Kings Cross, London

Build yourself a profile

Quickly upgrade your profile to let others know your background to establish yourself as a retail expert on the platform.

Upload your stores

Whether it's a project of your own, or a hidden gem in your local city, upload some images and share with the global community.

Create your own routes

Collate your own routes to share with your audience or clients to help others discover the latest in retail innovation.

We're looking to create a global community of like-minded enthusiasts who believe in the power of retail.

We are the curators of in-store evolution and innovation, dedicated to showcasing design, technology, and consumer behaviour. We're looking for retail experts across a wide range of sectors to help build a global community.

Reasons to join

Get the recognition

Once registered, you will take on the role of Retail Safari ambassador. Your status will be proudly displayed on your personal profile, alongside your impressive collection of store innovations and route credits. It's your time to show off your retail prowess!

Thumbnail profile pictures of potential Retail Safari contributors
Preview of Retail Safari contributor platform

Reasons to join

Create your own platform

Document and share your retail expertise through your own profile. A place to upload new stores, create routes in your area and share seamlessly through social media.

Have any questions?

Get in touch and one of our team will get back to you

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