Retail Safari: Berlin

A city with community at its core

St Agnes concept store. Image by Visit Berlin.

Credit: Visit Berlin


  • Destinations:

    34 stores
  • Retail Safaris:

    3 routes

Berlin has a huge fashion and food offer, the city has a huge number of clubs, food markets, art galleries, lifestyle events and retail pop-ups.






Retail & Hospitality

The creative pulse of Berlin continues to beat strongly, particularly in the domains of fashion and cuisine.

Outdoor eating area at Prater Garten in Berlin. Image by Linaroosa Viitanen

Credit: Linaroosa Viitanen

At its heart, Berlin retains a communal ethos, bouncing back to pre-pandemic vibrancy with a vast array of both indoor and outdoor clubs, as well as food markets, art exhibitions, and lifestyle events.

Embracing a more sustainable future, Berlin adopts the ethos of treating Nature as a Board Member, implementing shared vehicle platforms and exclusive bicycle zones.

These changes pave the way for eco-friendly delivery services, transporting food, fashion items, beauty products, or health supplies right to consumers' doors.

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